1:1 Private Menstrual Cycle Coaching
Focus on the different expressions of power in your menstrual cycle.
Service Description
Living your Menstrual Journey with Confidence, Care & Compassion for menstruators and young women from the age of 15 + Over the course of three cycles, we'll dive deep into your personal experience of living with your menstrual cycle. We'll decode the messages it's sending you, both emotionally and physiologically, and learn how to harness its power to navigate life's ups and downs. This coaching is for you if: - you are aged between 15 - 35 years of age - you want to learn about your body to help you make an informed choice before going on contraception - You have a menstrual cycle (regular or irregular) - you have received a medical diagnostic related to your menstrual cycle - you are having a hard time in a certain phases of your menstrual cycle - you are interested in developing your power of agency as a person living with a menstrual cycle - You are feeling a sense of shame living with a menstrual cycle and having periods - you want support communicating your symptoms and needs with health professionals I do not currently support women going through their menopause because I have not yet gone through this rite of passage threshold myself. COACHING DETAILS: You will receive 12 coaching sessions in total, held in weekly 1h sessions over a 3 month period. The sessions can either take place via Zoom or face-to-face (in Falmouth, Cornwall, UK) As part of the booking process, you will select the date and time of your first session. All additional sessions can be arranged during that first session. Commitment is paramount in this process. If financial commitment is a barrier, you have an option of either paying in full or via weekly instalments over the 12 weeks. Both of these options are available at no extra charge and can be accessed when booking.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation: No refund or rescheduling for sessions not attended without 24hrs prior notice. We may be able to move the session to another day but I cannot guarantee this due to my commitment to others. If for any reason I cancel the coaching session, a rescheduled session will be organised. We have a strict policy for cancellation to encourage commitment and participation. If you are under 18, there will be some parental involvement at the beginning & end of the coaching process.
Cycles of Influence
Zooming out to better zoom in on systems at play in our lives that influences our menstrual cycle living. Containing thoughts, teachings, beliefs and rants with resources, links and a few PSs.